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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

when was the last time you were hugged?

What if you were always being hugged?  I love the feeling of my cock in the tube, anytime there is the slightest touch it reminds me of my predicament and my energy is focused on my Goddess.

Last night Goddess surprised me with a quick card game... pretty simple - 10-King = ruined, Ace=stifled, one Joker is GAME OVER/ all cards back in the deck and the other Joker is a full orgasm though Goddess gets to decide how... any other card is the number of days until I may draw again.

Goddess had me shuffle the cards.. I took my time and was thorough...  now usually I would just pull a card off the top of the deck.. but this occasion I thought it would be fun to see her expression before I saw my card.... so I pulled up half the deck or so and revealed that bottom card.. it was a five!! I could tell by her smirk it wasn't a face card!!!

So I confessed to her my regret in approach and asked if I could peek at the card I usually would have draw.. it was an ACE!!! ARGH, lol... well..  until next time. So instead I rubbed her feet with some lotion before we retired for the evening...

a chaste slut.